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A Celestial Odyssey


​A Celestial Odyssey Drawing

From the shadows' grasp, an angel takes flight, Wings aglow with courage, she battles the night. A cosmic duel unfolds, her spirit burning bright, Conquering the dark, she brings forth radiant light.Order digital printing at* Shipping included

Cosmic Wanderers


Cosmic Wanderers  Drawing

In the distant past, when the Earth was untouched, a small group emerged as the first humans. Unaware of their true origins, they embarked on a perilous journey of survival and exploration, forging the very foundation of humanity.Order digital printing at* Shipping included

Deep-seated soul


Deep-seated soul Drawing

Every human's soul cracks, and breaks a little, with every bitter experience, and every heartbreak. Our main face actually looks like this drawing.* Shipping included



Us  Drawing

This is us, in an unknown period of the past, like all living things, we evolved and tried to adapt to the lack of oxygen and nuclear pollution.Order digital printing at* Shipping included